Monday, August 3, 2009

Badges!? We Don't Need No Stinking Badges!

Cable #2 - Falls Church, VA

Today we had our inprocessing day (it was technically our first day) where I got my official badge, had a security briefing regarding policies and procedure, HR info, credentials, etc., and filled out more and more forms. The most memorable part of today was officially being sworn in and taking the oath of allegiance. As of approximately 8:30am EST, I officially became a U.S. Diplomat. Tomorrow is my first day at the FSI (Foreign Service Institute) where I will begin to learn the nuts and bolts of diplomacy.

Well that is it for now, and I am going to hit the hay, as I have another early day. You know, those private sector jobs and getting up at 9am...well that is no more. Welcome to 6:00am! Uncle Sam truly believes in the early bird catches the worm, although I still don't think the birds are up when I am.

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